tree removal

Why Should I hire a Certified Arborist Versus a Tree Guy?

February 3, 2020

Why Should I hire a Certified Arborist Versus a Tree Guy?

What is the difference between hiring a certified arborist versus someone who cuts down trees? 

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The High Cost of Tree Removal

June 1, 2018

The High Cost of Tree Removal

Overheard recently: “Why is tree removal so expensive?” We get it, tree removal is indeed expensive. And when looking at an invoice, it’s easy to see why customers might wonder why the cost is so high. Read more about what exactly goes into the cost of tree removal and how New Urban values come into play.

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Ryan Wheatley earns ISA Arborist Certification

May 16, 2018

Ryan Wheatley earns ISA Arborist Certification

Ryan Wheatley, operations coordinator for NUF earns ISA arborist certification.

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Tree Preservation

May 7, 2018

Tree Preservation

Over the last few decades, research has shown that the presence of trees on a site provides quantitative benefits for human health, stormwater solutions, retail sales, and property values. For example, healthy mature trees can increase residential property value by three to twelve percent.

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RIP Old Cobbham Friends

January 25, 2018

RIP Old Cobbham Friends

The Cobbham Neighborhood in Athens is losing two giant treasured oaks due to inonotus root rot. 

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The Gravity of Tree Felling

January 11, 2018

The Gravity of Tree Felling

Everyone knows someone who has cut down a tree. A friend, neighbor, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, aunt, uncle, or "that guy". All of these examples are usually followed by a story of how "they dropped that tree right where they wanted" or, alternatively, "he crushed my car and we never spoke again."

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